Start Your Comeback

Overcoming Life's Hurdles with a Coach by Your Side

Toni Thrash Episode 22

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Feeling stuck or uncertain about your next steps in life can be daunting, but what if there was someone dedicated to steering you through the fog of confusion? As your host, Toni Thrash, I'm here to explore that very notion as we uncover whether a life coach could be your compass to personal fulfillment. In this week's episode, we're not just talking life coaching; we're diving into its transformative power, the beauty of goal setting, and the personalized strategies that can lead to your success. I'll share how a life script, a tool that altered my own direction, can potentially be the game-changer you've been searching for.

Join me as we navigate the intricacies of life's transitions, from evaluating if your job truly brings you satisfaction to identifying and overcoming the fears and doubts that keep you from moving forward. Through my own experiences and the strategies I've honed as a life coach, we'll dissect the essence of finding motivation and the pivotal role accountability plays in achieving your dreams. Whether you're on the brink of change or deep in the throes of life's challenges, this episode holds the promise of a fresh perspective to launch you on an invigorating new adventure.

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4 Steps to Overcoming Doubt


Speaker 1:

Is there a major life transition benching you? I know you may be asking what's next? What's my purpose? What if? Because I've asked those two, welcome to the Start your Comeback podcast. I'm Toni Thrash, a certified life coach, and I want to share the tools and practical steps to help you create a winning game plan to move into your new adventure. Hi, welcome back. You are listening to Episode 22.

Speaker 1:

The question for today is how do you know if you need a life coach? You might be saying I'm not even sure what a life coach is or does. Well, you're in the right place, because we will spend today and next week discussing what life coaching is and isn't. You need to know the difference between life coaching and therapy, and I'm going to give you a brief definition of both of those and not go real deep into the therapy part. So here we go. A life coach, like myself, is a wellness professional intent on helping you cultivate progress to find greater fulfillment in your life, and then, on the other hand, therapy is with a trained, licensed professional to help you care for your emotional and mental health. Now, this is huge, and I almost always recommend therapy to everyone that I talk to or coach, but after today's episode, you will for sure know what life coaching is, so let's get to it. Here we go. Today, we are focused on life coaching and what life coaches do.

Speaker 1:

Life coaches are aimed at helping you with goals, careers and next steps as you walk through any life transition. It's mostly future related, and it's so important to have some clearly defined, reachable goals and a game plan to reach them. A life coach helps you recognize and name any obstacles that may occur to keep you from reaching those goals. There is a strategy that is personal to you and where you are headed and want to go. As a life coach, I tend to look at your unique skills and talents and then hone in on your passions to determine a course for you. Here's the big thing, though you are responsible for falling through with the small, definable steps to accomplish your goals. It's not my job. My job is to hold you accountable, which we'll get to in a minute, but it's your job to follow through on those steps to accomplish your goals. A live coach will brainstorm and map out a game plan right for you. Live coaches tend to build in accountability factors so that you implement what is necessary for the change you want Because of the accountability, you will tend to see results a little bit more quickly.

Speaker 1:

One of my personal favorite things I do when I begin with a new client is to create a life script for them. This is a tool I create after listening to where you want to go and what you want to accomplish. I remember when, in training for my certification, a life script was written for me and it was the most powerful thing I could have heard. It was provided for me so that I could read it on my phone and listen to it every day. It created a belief that what my goals were, I could meet them and then be where I wanted to go. I was very emotional when my coach read it to me. It was a very impactful moment for me. It changed the course of my life because I began to believe it.

Speaker 1:

You see, one of the main benefits for me with working with her was the ability to gain a fresh, informed perspective on problems I was facing. With her new insight I gained, I also saw some negative patterns in my own life that needed attention, not just those my coach could help with, but also sent me to my therapist to work on some things as well. I knew I didn't want to stay where I found myself at the time. I wanted to create a new life and have new goals, and my life coach was that bridge for me.

Speaker 1:

One of the other benefits I love is the ability to recognize when you are stuck and to help you regain the motivation you've lost due to fear and doubt. Here's the thing, as an example. Sometimes we need a coach because the job we are in is not satisfying. Not that all work needs to be satisfying. However, enjoying the job creates a nice balance and increases productivity. Usually within a short amount of time you may feel stuck and need some fresh perspectives on where you want to be.

Speaker 1:

One of the biggest reasons I enjoy life coaching is seeing the development from where you started and then where you are at the end of our time together. It may be three months or six months or longer, depending on what you want to accomplish, but the pure joy of seeing the light bulb come on in your life and to see you progress and get to where you want to go, simply just by having a few meetings and some accountability and some reachable goals, makes it worthwhile. Building a relationship of trust with you takes a bit of time, but helps us both understand your true desires and goals. So here's your action step. In fact, you're going to have two action steps today, but the first one is, as I want you to write down your goals for the year right now. And, if you've forgotten, back in January I talked about redefining your goals and then setting them to be reachable and attainable. I will put the links to those two to three shows in the show notes for you to be able to go back and listen to those. So I want you to write them down. And then I want you to ask yourself this question Are you stuck moving forward with any of them? If so, it might be time to enlist the help of a life coach.

Speaker 1:

One last thing before we go. Life coaching is for specific time periods determined by you. It's not eternal. So if you're insensitive, why not schedule a discovery call and let's chat for 20 to 30 minutes and let's see if I'm the right fit for you? You can reach out to me at my website, wwwtony-dot-com. Here's what I know. Life coaching depends on your ability to carry out the game plan because, after all, it's your life. Thanks for being here. I'll see you next time when we discuss what life coaching isn't. I hope you'll tune in. I'm going to be on Instagram at Country Club.

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