Start Your Comeback

Busting Myths and Building Futures with a Life Guide

Toni Thrash Episode 23

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Ever found yourself on the cusp of change, teeming with questions about your next step or life's grand purpose? That's where I come in—Toni Thrash, your certified life coach and guide through the maze of life's transitions. In our latest heart-to-heart, I pull back the curtain on what life coaching truly entails—and what it emphatically does not. If you're tempted by the notion of quick fixes or feel that a life coach might just echo advice you've heard before, allow me to challenge those misconceptions and set the record straight. 

This week, we're not just talking theory; we're crafting your personalized comeback. From busting myths about life coaching being a mirror to therapy or mentorship, to addressing its non-suitability for some, I lay down the facts. Are you ready for an honest, no-punches-pulled look at the dedication required to reshape your life's trajectory? Then join me as I provide a compass for those willing to put in the work, crave accountability, and are poised to invest in their future selves. We might not have all the answers, but we're here to ask the right questions—and that's where every winning strategy begins.

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4 Steps to Overcoming Doubt


Speaker 1:

Is there a major life transition venturing you? I know you may be asking what's next? What's my purpose? What if? Because I've asked those two, welcome to the Start your Comeback podcast. I'm Toni Thrash, a certified life coach, and I want to share the tools and practical steps to help you create a winning game plan to move into your new adventure.

Speaker 1:

Hi, you're listening to episode 23. I'm on spring break from my day job and I'm soaking in a few extra hours of sleep, more pickleball than normal, which is translated to mean my body is sore. I'm seeing my grandson and kids this week with more time on my hands Well, not more time per se, because I'm busy serving my clients with impactful content. Last week, I shared what life coaching is, and so this week I want to share what it isn't. Life coaching has become more available and is received as an acceptable form of help. People understand the valuable way life coaching creates results in their lives. So let's jump into the five things that life coaching isn't. Number one mentoring. The working definition of a mentor is when someone shares their knowledge, skills and experience with another person to help them progress based on their past experiences. Coaching doesn't give advice as much as it helps clients reach their solutions. Number two life coaching is not therapy or counseling. You see, therapy deals with the past in hopes of healing a trauma or understanding of an event in the past. Remember last episode I mentioned that life coaching is future oriented. Where do you want to go? What goals do you have set for yourself? Number three training. Training is a commitment to learn some knowledge, like going to a conference or a seminar or signing up for a webinar. Coaching is a focus on the overall person, using certain tools and techniques, but is not necessarily a program for new information. We take what you want and your desires and your passions and we put them into a game plan to get you off that bench to see those goals completed.

Speaker 1:

Number four this one. Let me just go back and say this is how I believe life coaching to be. It's just a quick fix and it's so, not true. There's nothing in this life that is a quick fix. It takes more than one time to see a coach to achieve your goals. Progress is a progression of time, not a one hour solution. It's going to take that time. It's going to take six months to get you where you want to see, or at least starting to see some of the results of your hard work.

Speaker 1:

Number five life coaching isn't for everyone. Life coaching is not for everyone. It takes some time and commitment to see your goals through. There's some accountability, there's some making time to make sure you're working on those goals. But I would suggest asking yourself these four questions to see if coaching is for you. The first question is am I willing to put in the work? Number two am I willing to be held accountable for my results? Number three am I ready to invest in myself to get unstuck from where I find myself currently? And finally, number four do I need help strategizing a game plan to reach my goals? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then a life coach may be right for you. If not, maybe you should find a therapist instead. As a life coach, I am here to partner with you to see and make changes in your life. I'm here to hold you accountable for reaching your goals that you set and to see you make the necessary changes to move forward from this life transition that has you benched. So, as we bring this to a close, you now have a clear picture of life coaching and if it is right for you now in your present space.

Speaker 1:

After listening to the last week and now this week, you might be saying to yourself I need to find out more. Well, in the show notes I have a link to my calendar to schedule a discovery call. It's a 20 minute call to determine if we are right for each other Kind of like dating, only not it's 20 minutes of your time. I'm cheering for you to get back into the game. Join me next week as I discuss the silent deletion, in other words, what happens to your friends when they transition. You won't want to miss it. I'll see you next week. Hey, thanks for listening. I don't take it for granted that you're here. You didn't listen by mistake. If you want to reach out, you can DM me on Instagram at Tony Thrash Until next week. Remember, there's still time left on the clock. Let's get you off the bench to start your comeback. I want to give a special shout out to Country Club for the original music. You can find them on Instagram at Country Club.

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