Start Your Comeback

Navigating Retirement with Purpose and Passion

May 30, 2024 Toni Thrash Episode 34
Navigating Retirement with Purpose and Passion
Start Your Comeback
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Start Your Comeback
Navigating Retirement with Purpose and Passion
May 30, 2024 Episode 34
Toni Thrash

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What if your retirement could be the most thrilling chapter of your life? Get ready to discover actionable strategies to turn that vision into reality with me, Toni Thrash, on this special summer episode of the Start Your Comeback Podcast. We dive into the hot topic of retirement planning, using a mix of personal stories and practical advice to help you map out a future that aligns with your passions and dreams. From identifying your goals to creating a detailed game plan, we'll show you how to navigate this major life transition with confidence and excitement.

Join us as we follow the inspiring journey of one of our clients who reached out to craft her retirement plan. Learn how she balanced continued work with newfound freedom to pursue what she loves. We'll explore the importance of staying active, engaging with your community, and embracing new adventures—from traveling to learning new skills. Whether you dream of volunteering or picking up old hobbies, this episode is packed with insights to help you make the most of your golden years. Let’s turn those retirement dreams into a fulfilling reality!

Let's create your transition gameplan:
Book your discovery call

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4 Steps to Overcoming Doubt


Show Notes Transcript

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What if your retirement could be the most thrilling chapter of your life? Get ready to discover actionable strategies to turn that vision into reality with me, Toni Thrash, on this special summer episode of the Start Your Comeback Podcast. We dive into the hot topic of retirement planning, using a mix of personal stories and practical advice to help you map out a future that aligns with your passions and dreams. From identifying your goals to creating a detailed game plan, we'll show you how to navigate this major life transition with confidence and excitement.

Join us as we follow the inspiring journey of one of our clients who reached out to craft her retirement plan. Learn how she balanced continued work with newfound freedom to pursue what she loves. We'll explore the importance of staying active, engaging with your community, and embracing new adventures—from traveling to learning new skills. Whether you dream of volunteering or picking up old hobbies, this episode is packed with insights to help you make the most of your golden years. Let’s turn those retirement dreams into a fulfilling reality!

Let's create your transition gameplan:
Book your discovery call

You can find me at:




4 Steps to Overcoming Doubt


Speaker 1:

Is there a major life transition benching you? I know you may be asking what's next? What's my purpose? What if? Because I've asked those too. Welcome to the Start your Comeback Podcast. I'm Toni Thrash, a certified life coach, and I want to share the tools and practical steps to help you create a winning game plan to move into your new adventure. Hi there, welcome back. You are listening to episode 34.

Speaker 1:

Let me just say the heat of summer is here. On Sunday, memorial Day weekend, the temps reached a high of 97. It felt like 103 degrees outside. My friends and I, who play pickleball every Sunday afternoon, braved the heat and played for two hours. I must say, after the first two games I was was toast. I mean, my pulse was way too high. My face was as red as licorice. I wasn't prepared for the increase in heat.

Speaker 1:

It's something that I have to build up to, much like we have to build toward retirement and what that looks like for each of us. The older we get, the more of a plan we develop so that when that day comes, by choice or force, we are semi-ready for it. So today let's talk about some strategies that can help you prepare for the day when you live out your life by how well prepared you are. First, let me remind you that life coaching is a process that helps guide you toward achieving your personal and professional goals. Whether you're looking to start a new encore career or just enjoy your retirement, a life coach can help you identify what you truly want and help you to develop a concrete plan. Also, just a reminder not all life coaches are qualified for your financial goals, so it's best referred to your financial planner or find a financial life coach that can help guide you and give you the wisdom and advice for all your money matters. I have a client that retired last summer. She reached out in August of 2023 and wanted help making a plan for what her retirement looks like. She is continuing to work some two to three days a week, but she also wants time to just enjoy her life and do the things that she loves to do. So here are the five steps to creating your retirement plan.

Speaker 1:

Number one maybe you should identify your goals and create an action plan. Retirement isn't a one-size-fits-all. Retirement can be a monumental topic to think about, but it's imperative to identify what you truly want out of it, whether starting a new hobby or becoming an entrepreneur or just supporting your community by community service. It's important to create a solid game plan to make those dreams a reality. So, by reflecting on your life and determining what parts need to be rebalanced, you can paint a clear picture of what your ideal retirement looks like, and then from there, you can start taking those steps towards making it a reality and exploring any new opportunities. So we created a game plan for her to accomplish some goals by the end of 2024. She's well on her way to reaching most of those goals because she's eager to see some things come to a close and eager for things to begin. I've done a live script for her and as she reads it over and over, she's gaining more confidence in taking a few risks that she's never been willing to take before.

Speaker 1:

Number two how to make the most of your time during retirement. Retirement can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming to suddenly have all this free time on your hands. Making the most of your time during retirement can seem daunting, so it's important to have a game plan. First, let's take some time to reflect on what your passions and interests are. Did you used to play golf? Maybe you played tennis back in the day, or maybe you just want to learn what have you always wanted to do but never had the time for. It could be traveling, gardening or learning a new language. This is your chance to explore any and all of it. Additionally, staying active and social is crucial to maintaining good physical and mental health during retirement. Joining clubs or volunteering in your community can provide opportunities to meet new people and pursue meaningful activities. But whatever you choose to do, make sure you find fulfillment and joy that it adds to your life, not sucks it out of you. It's the perfect time to embrace new adventures and live life to the fullest. My client finally nailed down what she wants to do and what she doesn't want to do. She made it very clear what she truly enjoys about her work and is looking forward to delegating the rest of the items out to her network work and is looking forward to delegating the rest of the items out to her network. She's involved in serving in her community and in her church.

Speaker 1:

Number three you must build a support network and experience new things in retirement. Retirement is full of the possibility of new experiences and opportunities, but one of the most important things you can do to make the most of this time is to build a strong support network around you. This can be a mix of your family, some friends and some colleagues from your working life, and it can provide you with companionship, guidance and a sense of community, which is so important, especially if you are a widow or a widower, or you're just single. With your support network in place, you'll be able to experience all sorts of new things in your retirement, from exploring new hobbies and interests to traveling to new places and meeting new people. So, if you're approaching retirement, start thinking about the people in your life who can help make it the most exciting chapter of your life. Life coaching is one of those important tools that can help you assess where you are currently in regard to retirement, gain clarity on what the future might bring and equip yourself with the tools and guidance necessary to create a fulfilling experience in retirement. Whether it's outlining financial goals, even budgets, exploring new and exciting activities, taking trips or rediscovering a healthier version of yourself when it comes time to retire, know that there are those helpful resources available to support your journey into this new chapter of life, and, if you join me next week, we're going to talk about a lot of different kinds of resources. So we've outlined her financial goals. She has her financial planner, we've outlined her travel schedule and she's learning to just enjoy being and enjoying those days off. Nothing quite like it for her Number four Be emotionally ready, and by that I mean as emotionally ready as anyone can be when they are advancing toward retirement.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that we have to be aware of is that we have to prepare for that initial excitement to wear off and then the what's next questions start. So you have all these plans for the first two months of retirement. You're going to travel here, you're going to go see friends here, you're going to do all these things. Then all of a sudden, that comes to an end and then you're like, what's next? But if you are emotionally prepared, then you will be able to handle the range of emotions that you will feel. This includes all of your relationships. If you plan on moving, consider what the starting over phase will look like, because it's important to have a solid baseline of relationships during this time. I can tell you she was 100% emotionally ready. She knew she did not want the rigor of the company that she'd been running for 31 years. So she sold it and is still working in the field as a coach. She's absolutely doing and enjoying exactly what she set out to plan for Number five.

Speaker 1:

This one's a big one Don't let fear keep you from learning new things and ways of doing business. I have a quote that I wrote several years ago is Let fear be the losing opponent. My client was so terrified to change how she did things, even ways that would save her a ton of time. We've been working on this for about nine months now, and because we've built that trust relationship, she's now starting to take those baby steps that indeed show her that the old ways are not as good as some of the newer ways and makes her job a lot less stressful, and she realizes that she has actually more time on her hands. Again, retirement is something to look forward to. So don't let fear keep you from trying new things, meeting new people and developing a new skill.

Speaker 1:

Transition from full-time to part-time work or no work at all, and learning to make the most of your time is new and is different, and it's an adjustment. But any transition is really. But remember this as with any transition that you face, there are people, are here to guide you and hold you accountable. Don't let fear overtake you. Enjoy this new freedom. You've earned it.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I have a favor to ask If you've gotten anything at all from this podcast, if the topics are close to home for you or if you have a friend that needs to hear it, would you be willing to write a review and then share it with someone? I would be so grateful Because the truth of the matter is, we all know someone who's walking through some sort of transition, and to have a friend walk with you through it is priceless. So be sure and join me next week. I'm going to share some resources that will help you walk through any transition. I hope you'll be here. I'll look forward to seeing you next time. Hey, thanks for listening. I don't take it for granted that you're here. You didn't listen by mistake. If you want to reach out, you can DM me on Instagram at Tony Thrash Until next week. Remember, there's still time left on the clock. Let's get you off the bench to start your comeback. I want to give a special shout out to Country Club for the original music. You can find them on Instagram at Countryclub.

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