Start Your Comeback
I'm Toni and a certified Life Coach. Is there a major life transition benching you? Let’s create a winning game plan to move into your new adventure.
Your life only seems to be over, however, there’s still time on the clock.
Let’s get you off the bench to start your comeback.
Start Your Comeback
Mastering the Path to Your 2025 Vision
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This episode emphasizes the importance of breaking big resolutions into smaller, attainable goals to foster success. Toni outlines five actionable steps to help listeners take meaningful strides towards their aspirations, encouraging support and resilience along the journey.
• Embracing life transitions and the importance of understanding purpose
• Redefining resolutions into manageable steps for better success
• Five key steps for achieving resolutions outlined
• Writing goals down to make them tangible
• Identifying daily actions that lead to progress
• Celebrating small beginnings as crucial milestones
• Embracing failures as part of the learning process
• Seeking guidance from peers and mentors for support
The Sound of You journaling sheet designed to help you hear you and what your next steps are.
Let's create your transition gameplan:
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Sound of You
Seeing Beautiful Again-Lysa Terkeurst
Is there a major life transition benching you? I know you may be asking what's next? What's my purpose? What if? Because I've asked those too. Welcome to the Start your Comeback Podcast. I'm Toni Thrash, a certified life coach, and I want to share the tools and practical steps to help you create a winning game plan to move into your new adventure. Hi, welcome back. You're listening to episode 66, and I'm thrilled you're here. I hope and pray your holiday was everything you wanted it to be and if it wasn't, I'm giving you permission right now to have a newfound hope for 2025.
Speaker 1:For the past couple of weeks, we've been dissecting resolutions, what they are and why it's important to redefine them into smaller, more manageable steps for a better chance of success. We're talking about turning those big, overwhelming resolutions into attainable goals with a solid game plan. Last week, we discussed the importance of dreaming solid game plan. Last week, we discussed the importance of dreaming but not letting the dream get in the way of the actual doing. I even shared my journey of becoming a live coach.
Speaker 1:Right now, this is decision time. The hardest part is often the decision just to start. So make that commitment now, and then let's game plan the daily decisions that will turn your dream or resolutions into a reality. When the distance between your starting point and the finish line seems vast, it's easy to give up. You might feel discouraged, even struggling to face another day. The question why? Might echo endlessly in your mind. So what do you do when your resolutions seem out of reach? You have to set smaller goals throughout the process to see progress. But to see progress, you have to start. The real focus, then, should be on the everyday decisions and choices that chisel the pathway to the finish line. When there's no chiseling, there's no path. Setting attainable goals is key, like what's something daily, weekly and monthly that will keep you on track to achieve that big dream.
Speaker 1:I've got five simple steps to take to make sure you will reach your resolutions. Number one write it down. Visualizing your goal by writing it down makes it more concrete and less abstract. This is the first step in making it real. It might help if you place it somewhere you see every day. For me, I have written the word book on a note card and taped it to my bathroom mirror. This is my goal for 2025. Number two identify daily actions. Break down the big goal into smaller daily actions. Ask yourself what can I do today to move closer to my goal? These small steps create a momentum and give you a sense of accomplishment, but the key again is to start Well. For me, the way to write a book is to write words every day, so I have a daily goal of 750 words. This is strictly due to the amount of time I have available for the coming year.
Speaker 1:Number three don't belittle small beginnings, because everyone starts somewhere. Every journey begins with a single step. Don't dismiss small actions as insignificant. They are the building blocks of your progress. Sending that email, writing a paragraph applying for that job or making a phone call are all valuable steps. Saying yes and then acting on it requires constant movement from one step to the next. A small step for me will be to set a timer and to write for 45 minutes daily.
Speaker 1:Number four embrace the try and fail cycle. Understand that not every decision will lead to immediate success trying and potentially failing as part of the process, but each attempt, successful or not, provides valuable learning and brings you closer to your goal. The decisions you don't make leave you exactly where you are. Deciding. To try, even risking making a fool of yourself, isn't the end of the world. It's the beginning of the dare If you know there's more for you. It takes a multitude of small steps to get there. Some decisions will work and some won't. Steps to get there.
Speaker 1:Some decisions will work and some won't, but if it's in the trying that we get closer to filling our resolutions or goals or dreams, for me the understanding is if I have had a day that's crazy busy and I get zero writing finished doesn't mean that I throw in the towel and say, oh well, I'll try again next year. No, it means I fail. I wake up on a new day and I start again. I've got to let go of the high expectations that I've set for myself and know that life happens. By the way, this is what I have also written on a note card taped to my bathroom mirror.
Speaker 1:And finally, number five seek support and guidance. Don't be afraid to ask for help, whether it's a coach, a mentor or a peer group. Having support can provide valuable insights, encouragement and accountability. This can help you stay on track and navigate challenges more effectively. I have given permission to my closest friends to touch base with me once a month to see where I am in the process. You see, these decisions are crucial for my own growth. This is where coaching can help Taking that big dream or resolution and breaking it down to see the obstacles and the necessary steps needed to finish.
Speaker 1:Maybe all you can do right now is breathe. That dream is still stuck in your head and all you can do is dream about it. That's okay, but there will be a time when you want to branch out and make your mark on the world. Don't settle for too long, because that leads to stagnation, because we, the world, we need to hear your voice. I hope that you've written down or decided on your resolutions for the new year. I'd love to help you game plan to see them through.
Speaker 1:Join me next week as I discuss the dare, which will conclude this series on redefining resolutions. A day late, but happy new year. Let's get going. I'll see you next time. Hey, thanks for listening. I don't take it for granted that you're here. You didn't listen by mistake. If you want to reach, reach out, you can DM me on Instagram at Tony Thrash until next week. Remember, there's still time left on the clock. Let's get you off the bench to start your comeback. I want to give a special shout out to Country Club for the original music. You can find them on Instagram at Country Club.